The Mono Rope High-Speed Folding PVC Door is widely preferred in the industry. Its application areas are especially in places where the dimensions of the door and the wind pressure depend on the environmental conditions and where the pressure is high, both indoors and outdoors.
Additionally, it is produced with a modular system consisting of complete bolts and nuts. This ensures easier assembly and increased efficiency. Special-shaped rubber gaskets are applied to the inside of the guides, especially for dust, air, and light insulation.
As a standard feature, Mono Rope doors have one row of observation windows for safety during passages. However, the number of observation areas can be increased or decreased according to your preferences. ST37 quality black steel pipes are used inside the canvas, and they can be optionally made of galvanized or stainless steel.
Katlanır PVC Kapı
The fast PVC folding door can protect many internal components from external influences due to its rapid system. It especially prevents heat loss in places with heavy traffic. Moreover, it offers many advantages. Folding doors, particularly in the commercial sector, factories, production facilities, distribution centers, and warehouses, have gained significant attention. While High-Speed Folding PVC Door continue to be a part of everyday life, their technological features are diversifying. These folding doors can vary in length and width and can also feature different technological components. Additionally, these products can open and close rapidly, preventing unauthorized access. Furthermore, the security system can be managed remotely. The configuration of these products also varies depending on the location, for instance, in areas prone to strong winds. This is because the type of product selected is determined by the location where it will be applied.

- Maks. Genişlik : 6000 mm
- Maks. Yükseklik : 6000 mm
- Manuel Kullanım Kolu Opsiyonlu
- Elektrik kesilmesine karşı UPS kesintisiz güç kaynağı üzerinden otomatik kapı açma opsiyonu
- Branda Marka (900 gr/m²)
- Mehler
- Sioline
- Heytex(İthal)
- Branda Kalınlık : 1 mm
- Şeffaf Kalınlık : 2 mm
- Standart Sabit Hız :0,70 m/s
- Opsiyonel Hız Kontrol İlavesi
- Maks. Açılma : 1,2 m/s
- Maks. Kapanma : 0,40 m/s
- Branda İçi Boru ile 20-90 km/h
- Tüm aksam 1311 kalite galvaniz çeliktir.
- Modüler cıvatalı sisteme sahiptir.
- Hızlı PVC Motor Seti : 0,75 kW – 2,2 kW
- Fren Sistemi : 80-90-100 Tip
- Şalt Malzemeler : ABB
- Kapı Kontrol Kartı
- Özel Switch Sistemi
- Emniyet Fotoseli

Kapısan has been a specialist in ensuring the security of properties and businesses since 1983. With our team of expert engineers and in-house production, we continue to push the boundaries of door technology. Contact us today to discover what doors can do for your business.